
Name: Homan, Wes

Country: United States


- Matches played: 38

- First match on: 2017-07-20

- Current rating: 1032

- Highest rating: 1032 on 2024-09-19T00:00:00.000Z

- Current ranking: 421

- Highest ranking: 171 on 2017-07-20

- Lowest ranking: 1531 on 2017-07-26

- Win percentage: 0.421053

- Current streak: 2 wins

- Best winning streak: 3 on 2023-12-17

DateLocationOppositionOutcomePre Match RatingPoint ChangePost Match Rating
2023-12-17PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryNicholas, James1022101032
2023-12-17PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryMcNeill, Callum101391022
2023-12-17PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryNakajima, Keita1023-101013
2023-12-17PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryLongbella, Thomas1026-31023
2023-12-17PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryPotgieter, Aldrich1014121026
2023-12-16PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryShore, Davis998161014
2023-12-16PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryDrewitt, Brett9899998
2023-12-16PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryReband, Garett990-1989
2023-12-16PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryPorter, Charles9900990
2023-12-16PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryWerenski, Richy97812990
2023-12-15PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryBoard, Dillon979-1978
2023-12-15PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryThornberry, Braden991-12979
2023-12-15PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryOppenheim, Rob999-8991
2023-12-15PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryCreel, Joshua1009-10999
2023-12-15PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryArmstrong, Dawson998111009
2023-12-14PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryCarlson, Brian1010-12998
2023-12-14PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryBoard, Dillon998121010
2023-12-14PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryWalsh, Thomas1010-12998
2023-12-14PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryOppenheim, Rob1018-81010
2023-12-14PGA TOUR Q-School presented by Korn FerryPiercy, Scott101531018
2023-07-14Barbasol ChampionshipMueller, Jesse1032-171015
2023-07-14Barbasol ChampionshipMoldovan, Maxwell1019131032
2023-07-13Barbasol ChampionshipMueller, Jesse101091019
2023-07-13Barbasol ChampionshipMoldovan, Maxwell997131010
2019-06-30Rocket Mortgage ClassicHorschel, Billy1004-7997
2019-06-29Rocket Mortgage ClassicHorschel, Billy99861004
2019-06-28Rocket Mortgage ClassicWright, Chase98513998
2019-06-28Rocket Mortgage ClassicRodriguez, Jose de Jesus97312985
2019-06-27Rocket Mortgage ClassicWright, Chase984-11973
2019-06-27Rocket Mortgage ClassicRodriguez, Jose de Jesus996-12984
2018-07-06A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierMatteson, Troy9888996
2018-07-06A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierStegmaier, Brett9862988
2018-07-05A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierMatteson, Troy9779986
2018-07-05A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierStegmaier, Brett988-11977
2017-07-21Barbasol ChampionshipRandolph, Jonathan997-9988
2017-07-21Barbasol ChampionshipAnderson, Mark1012-15997
2017-07-20Barbasol ChampionshipRandolph, Jonathan101021012
2017-07-20Barbasol ChampionshipAnderson, Mark1000101010